Microsoft Excel is one such application which does not require any preaching to be used. It is the choice of billions of corporate users due to its power, speed & simplicity of use. Most people have a basic understanding of Excel but a few really know where to find the Excel’s most effective & efficient power features. This course contains everything you need to know & learn about Excel.
It is designed to fill the void by providing a comprehensive training on Excel’s most powerful features. LIT promising 18 hours training in 5 days, the course is aimed to train participants from Basic to an Expert!
Essential Functions: Mathematical, Logical, Date & Time, Text. Database
Using Excel Power Functions
Working With Arrays & Multi-sheet Formulas
What-If Analysis with Goal Seek. Data Table, Solver ,& Scenario Manager
Data Analysis & reporting with Pivot Tables Charts & Reports
Data Visualization with Charts, Sparkline & Conditional Formatting
Subtotaling & Data Filtering
Automating Recurring Tasks with Macros
Protecting Worksheets & Workbooks
and Lots of Excel Master Tips & Tricks