While the world decided to let itself loose on what seems to be gaining popularity, Wooderson’s decided to take the lead in unraveling the undiscovered bounties of the Cannabis Sativa. The dedicated company marked out THC Delta-8 amongst the hundreds of compounds found in the Sativa plant. And began exploring the potential it held. Needless to say, the results are to date surprising and promising. Unlike THC Delta-9, THC Delta-9 has a lower psychoactive impact. Allow us to address the question that may be buzzing in your head at the mention of this term, i.e., what is delta 8 THC? Fundamentally, this compound is a degraded version of the original THC that we recognize as the elementary marijuana element. As the degraded version, it loses its psychoactive effects and manages to retain the positive effects, which upon ingestion relieve nausea and pain. It also stimulates appetite. Thus, encouraging healthier eating habits and a healthier routine. Wooderson’s legendary journey began with the introduction of soft gels and continues to base on the same even today (But we see ourselves bringing more of Delta 8 THC products like Delta 8 gummies and whatnot!). Getting back to our journey, we began focusing on manufacturing premium quality capsule-shaped gels. These soft gels ease the pain caused by menstrual cramping, headaches, migraines, muscular pain, and even chronic pain. It even relaxes the minds burdened with insomnia and depression. For those of you who feel ruled by anxiety, these soft gels may as well be the only answer to enhancing your social performance. Note that the impact of these soft gels varies with quantities. Say you consume one soft gel. It will have a mild effect. And hence, we recommend this quantity to complete beginners. If you wish to acquire moderate results for relaxation, you can consume two soft gels. For even stronger results, intake of three soft gels serves best. Since your safety and health are our prime priority and concern, we ensure that all our products abide by health standards set by authorities. What’s the wait for, then? You need not even search up delta 8 THC near me. Just give us the Go-Ahead sign, i.e., let us know your wish to buy delta 8 THC, and we’ll have it delivered to your doorstep. Plus, maintaining uniformity in all our products is our responsibility. Hence, rest assured, you can expect and enjoy the same joy over and over again!