They were born on 9th March, 2017. One female kitty, and two male kitten.
Price is final, 7000 for one kitty. Contact with calls and sms only.
The female one is the beige one. Male kitten eat cat food only, while the female kitty eats cat food and meat( meat is optional in her diet).
Flee less and tick less. Their parents don’t leave home so vaccination is not required.
Will give a summer cut on request, only to these kitten, I have imported trimmer made specially for animals.

They were born on 9th March, 2017. One female kitty, and two male kitten.
Price is final, 7000 for one kitty. Contact with calls and sms only.
The female one is the beige one. Male kitten eat cat food only, while the female kitty eats cat food and meat( meat is optional in her diet).
Flee less and tick less. Their parents don’t leave home so vaccination is not required.
Will give a summer cut on request, only to these kitten, I have imported trimmer made specially for animals.