Carbon Monoxide Gas Detector S-1,24-C, Sunset Lane No.1, Phase II (ext) DHA
Posted on June 24, 2019 / 583
Listing Type : Electronics
Location : karachi
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 “BENETECH” (China) High Quality Portable Carbon Monoxide (CO) Gas Detector Model GM8805 use to detect Carbon Monoxide (CO) bright features as follow

1. Large LCD Display with back light

2. Safety indications regular light flashing and voice indication. When Carbon Monoxide concentration increases buzzing voice frequency would also be increased.

3. Excellent audible alarm

4. Automatically shutoff if not operated for 10 minutes.

5. Buzzer alarm setup function. 

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Listing Type : Electronics
Location : karachi
Carbon Monoxide Gas Detector
Listing Type : Electronics
Location : karachi
Carbon Monoxide Gas Detector
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 “BENETECH” (China) High Quality Portable Carbon Monoxide (CO) Gas Detector Model GM8805 use to detect Carbon Monoxide (CO) bright features as follow

1. Large LCD Display with back light

2. Safety indications regular light flashing and voice indication. When Carbon Monoxide concentration increases buzzing voice frequency would also be increased.

3. Excellent audible alarm

4. Automatically shutoff if not operated for 10 minutes.

5. Buzzer alarm setup function. 

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